Where Ideas are Brought Down to Earth!
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No claim is being made that I speak
for the philosophy of Ayn Rand, known as Objectivism.
I speak only for myself and my understanding of a philosophy
that I have made my own over the past 40 years (since 1976).
I consider myself to be an amateur philosopher of reason.
The mention of any well-known or lesser known individuals (professional
philosopher or otherwise) does not imply their endorsement of the contents
of this web site. Though many of these essays were originally published
in various electronic media or printed media, the publication of these essays
on this web site does not imply the endorsement of the contents by the forums
or publications in which they were originally published, nor does their
publication on this web site imply the endorsement of individuals associated
with those forums or publications (their owners or the members thereof).
In some cases, comments or corrections were inserted into
the essays, which have been excerpted (for the most part) due to
the fact that further elaborations were made on these points, which I do not
have permission to re-publish. No aspect of the contents
of this web site is intended to be defamatory with regard to individuals
mentioned in the essays, whether they be the person raising a topic
or a person mentioned in the essays -- there is a difference
between correcting or even condemning a person's ideas versus
calling the moral character of an individual into question.
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Applied Philosophy Online .com
Where Ideas Are Brought Down to Earth!
Copyright 2005-2022
All images on this website are presented with permission of the owner
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For any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact
Thomas M. Miovas, Jr., who is solely responsible for the contents
of this web site at: tmiovas@earthlink.net or tmiovas@appliedphilosophyonline.com
Thomas M. Miovas, Jr.